This play ran from March to June 2007 on Broadway and is based on the life and adventures of the 16th century Irish chieftain and pirate Gráinne O'Malley.
The main character was played by Stephanie J. Block. Her lover Tiernan was played by Hadley Fraser. Queen Elisabeth I was interpreted by Linda Balgord - who was nominated for the Drama Desk Awards in the category of "Outstanding Featured Actress in a Musical" - and Marcus Chait in the role of Donal - Gráinne's husband.
As the musical ran only for a few months, you can probably guess that the reception of this piece wasn't very warm. Yet the music is entrancing and the singing very beautiful. You can easily follow the story with this soundtrack - which isn't always the case with the cast recording. The duets between Fraser and Block are entrancing. Block's voice is strong and beautiful.
The pieces sung by the ensemble are funny and full of life ['Boys'll be Boys' is a nice example of this]. And the parts sung by the Queen are very well executed, even though I didn't really like some of her songs.
The story evolves beautiful. The problems are specially in the keeping of time, which is rather difficult to hear at some points. For example how much time goes by between Gráinne's imprisonment and the moment she's released. If you're interested in the story you should check the wikipedia or another encyclopedia. It's actually very interesting
Anyway I really like this musical, and if you are able to listen to it I highly recommend it.
Here I give you a few songs which I'm specially fond of:
1. 'I'll be there' --> sung by Tiernan after Gráinne's wedding
2. 'Woman' --> sung by Gráinnes at the begining of the musical
3. 'Let a father stand by his son' --> sung by Donal, Gráinne and Sir Bingham
4. 'Boys'll be Boys' --> sung by ensemble before the wedding
5. 'A day beyond Belclare' --> sung by Tiernan, Gráinne, Donal and the ensemble when Gráinne's father dies.
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